Kokura Loop Bus has been operated since December 1. It’s in a trial period till February 28, 2019.
Kokura Loop Bus: http://www.kokuraloop.com/en/
At this website, they show attractions near each bus stop, such as sightseeing spots, museums, stores, and so on. Some of the attractions are also shown on the Kitakyushu Walks website (TOTO and Kokura Castle). Here, we’ll introduce some other sites you may be interested in.

(1) Kimono shop Umene
Near River Walk Kitakyushu bus stop.
This shop not only sells kimonos and goods but also provides several experience courses with rental kimonos.
Information: Umene
Open:10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.(7:00 p.m. in summer)
Closed on: Tuesday, holidays (Please check the calendar)
Address: 2-3-10 Muromachi, Kokurakita-ku, Kitakyushu-shi, Fukuoka-ken 803-0812
URL: http://www.umene.jp/index.html
Also see Muromachi Comon
URL: https://8030812comon.shopinfo.jp/
(2) Kokura Textile Shimashima Izutsuya Department Store Branch Office
Near IZUTSUYA Gintengai Entrance bus stop.
Shimashima means stripes. Kokura textile is a traditional product of Kokura. Vertical stripes create superb gradations of color. It disappeared about 80 years ago, but an artist named Noriko Tsuiki revived the beautiful textile. Its simple beauty is very attractive.
Information: Shimashima Izutsuya Department Store Branch Office
Open:10:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Open until 8:00 p.m. on Fridays and Saturdays.
Address: Izutsuya Department Store, Kokura Location 6F, 1-1 Senba-machi, Kokurakita-ku, Kitakyushu-shi, Fukuoka-ken 802-8511
Also see Yuh Textile Studio
Address: 5-8 Inokura Yahatahigashi-ku, Kitakyushu-shi, Fukuoka-ken 805-0037
URL: https://tsuikinoriko.com/english/2018/

(3) Salon du JAPON MAEDA Japanese green tea shop, Japanese goods
Near “Tanga Market” bus stop.
“茶論” It’s pronounced “sa lon” The meaning is “talking 論 about tea 茶”.
They serve green tea, sweets, and some kinds of alcohol mixed with green tea. It’s located on the street, which gives it a nostalgic atmosphere.

Information: Salon du JAPON MAEDA
Open:11:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Closed on: Tuesday
Address: 1-15-3 Nakashima, Kokurakita-ku, Kitakyushu-shi, Fukuoka-ken 802-0076
URL: http://salondujapon.com/shop/
(4) Comichi かわらぐち Comichi Kawaraguchi
Near Kogane Market bus stop.
Small stores run by ladies. You can take a rest and feel relieved. There are many kinds of shops, such as a furniture shop, a cafe, a bar, a restaurant, a hair salon, an acupuncture clinic, a goods shop and an English class for kids. You can also see a festival float in the storage.
Information: Comichi Kawaraguchi
Open:depends on shops
Closed on: depends on shops
Address: 1-5-21 Kawaraguchi, Kokurakita-ku, Kitakyushu-shi, Fukuoka-ken 802-0084
TEL: +81-(0)50-3435-0190(北九州家守舎)
URL: http://comichi.info/
Kitakyushu WALKS